Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What I'm loving Wednesday

Oh Wednesday, you are finally here! Anyone else feel as though this week is moving super slow? UghEither way, today is the middle of the week which means only 2 more days until the weekend! Yay! :) I thought I'd participate in 'What I'm Loving Wednesday' so you all can learn a little more about who very Ashley is! Enjoy :)

I'm loving that the iPad2 is coming out on Friday. I have an iPad already (I'm shipping it back tomorrow... see what Apple does!) and that I can get it in white and I might be slightly more excited about the new case for it (than the actual iPad2)
I'm loving that I watched "The Bachelor's Women Tell All Special" last night on my DVR and maybe I live under a rock (or it's the first time I have ever watched The Bachelor... reality TV (well TV in general) isn't really my thing [you'd be surprised to know I don't have cable]) but I was surprised to see that Mr. Brad Womack is a twin! (and I'm pretty sure Chris Harrison is a veeery rich man from The Bachelor and he just introduced the Bachelor before rose ceremonies... how smart is he!!)

I'm loving Yogurt + Kashi Go Lean Crunch Honey Almond Cereal + Strawberries + Honey. I've never been a big breakfast person and I could basically eat this EVERY morning. My latest obsession. Try it, it's soo delicious! Yum

my awesome paint skills

Lastly, I am loving my little pup Lola. She is 10 months old and she is the most adorable pup ever! :) She's cuddly and playful and super smart. I love how she looks like a little ball of fur when she naps. :) (because I just got a new computer my pictures of Lola are still on my old computer.. no worries though she will be making regular appearences!)

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