Tuesday, November 15, 2011

working on it

I have soooo many things I want to share on my blog. I often mention things and never get around to posting (you should see my draft list) so I figured I'd start a list (because bullet points = accountability) 
  • Our trip to Costa Rica for James' 30th & the 'big' surprise
  • James' surprise 30th back home in Ohio 
  • Move from DC >> SF 
  • Browns/49ers game
  • Our apartment + all the progress
  • 'I'm on a boat' -- "Yachting" with friends
  • Cooking + recipes 
  • Shopping purchases (and my recent wears)
Plus more-- but we gotta start somewhere!

Figured I'll ask my lovely blog dolls (I wish I could of coined that-- so I'll just steal it) what they'd like to read/see first. Suggestions??? :)

oxx & blogging consistency 


Young and Fabulous said...

im excited to see an apartment post!!!

and the birthday surprise!!

and u cant forget our vlog swap ;-)


Martin said...

The costa rica trip!! think there will be wonderful pictures to share with us:) Hope you visit me and we follow each other if you like :)


Aly @ Analyze This said...

Umm, I don't want to read about your trip back to Ohio ... because that means you were within driving distance of me and we didn't meet up!!

Skype date SOON!!!! Puh-leeez!! xoxo

ChinkyGirLMeL said...

Ooooh a birthday surprise, a costa rica trip, cooking recipes, and lots more?! Omg! Thank goodness I am following your blog. =)

Nicole said...

OOH that is tough decision I love shopping, decorating apartment, and cooking. Glad you found my blog so I can follow you!!

Lauren said...

Costa Rica!! Though, I'm new to your blog... so when did this move take place and what brought you to SF??

Petchie said...

Great List! I can't wait to see your apartment post! I'm getting an apartment in a few months when my fiance and I are married and am still looking for decorating ideas!


Brandi said...

Apartment prgress and Costa Rica! :)

Holly said...

Definitely apartment progress! :)

Dree said...

Great list - I have to do the same or otherwise all the things I plan to write about shoot right out of my head. I'd definitely love to read about your apartment progress!


Megan said...

Apartment and recent wears!! And yes, making a list means it's official and you MUST blog about it all. : )