Tuesday, May 3, 2011

go big ...or go home

That's been my mind set with my new workout plan. I have gone to the gym or have been running outside since my post on Saturday!!


I am determine to not be a lard of fat and eat through multiple canisters of salt and vinegar Pringles (I noticed I frequently talk about them... which is all I'll be doing because those bad boys will not be entering my pantry).

Starting on Saturday (that's the plan anyways) I am going to start adding a weekly update (frankly there aren't enough postings on Saturdays, especially at 7:30a) to let you all know how my workouts are coming along!! :)

Breakfast has been my favorite and I've always look at it as being egg whites (and I'm NOT a huge fan of eggs what.so.ever.) but I've been having a super yummy, filly breakfast + my green tea! Yummmmmm...

No worries, I'll share my 'successes' and my 'failures'....I have no idea how to weight train at the gym and I'm far too cheap to pay someone who doesn't look anymore in shape than I am, to show me what I shouldn't or should be doing.

Well today, I thought it'd be a super smart idea to run 4 miles (I am going to start try with 15 miles a week) today.

Basically, I can't walk. I can but I look like someone has taken a crowbar, mob style, to my calves. They are sooooo tight and just feel achy. Ughh..

*Note : I don't run in tennis shoes, I run in my vibram five fingers. And they are a completely different form of running. Still adapting to them, thus the sore as crap calves.

You only wish I could share what this looks like with a video. Walking down stairs when I take Lola out is probably the most humorous. (Pretty sure she secretly enjoys making me take her our multiple times before she actually goes potty!) :)


On another completely random subject....

I got my haircut today. And colored.

Maybe, maybe if I can make myself look decent this week, I'll post a picture (hold your breathe). Because as I previously mentioned my eyebrows are purposefully a hot mess (damn girl who hacked them while threading them). 

I'm still deciding if I really like the cut.  Went for the side sweeping bangs-ish (google : Reese Witherspoon 'Water For Elephants' premier, the one with her in the red dress).

We'll see, I need a day or week to grow into it. I have horrifying memories of that one haircut. Know what I mean?? So I am always skeptical at first.


So sorry for the babbling. It's been an extremely long day!

Until tomorrow lovelies! ox


April said...

you need some Bowen! That would help your tight calves. Good for you, running.. I personally can't stand running... a fast walk is ok but running was eliminated from my life in 8th grade when I got really bad shin splints training for a 5k race at school. Ouch!!
Can't wait to see pics of your hair! :):)
Have a fantabulous day!!

Jeannie said...

WHAT are those things on your feet!!! How do you run in those? they look like socks.

I just started my INSANITY work out two days ago... and my calf muscles are killing me. I am waddling around right now. I couldn't even make it through the whole video yesterday.. haha but I am going to push through!


Anonymous said...

I just signed up for my second half-marathon!! I need to start training like, yesterday. How do you like running in those shoes?? I'd never race in shoes like that, but I'm considering training in them at least once a week!

Holly said...

Oh man! Those running shoes look so super weird! I've never seen them before! I love their colours though! :D